Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Staying Focused at Pure Power Bootcamp, NYC - Week 4, Day 2

Tour of Duty Journal
Week 4, Day 2
Today was kind of tough. Not sure what my deal is as I'm feeling like today I was degressing. Nicio was there and I kinda, sorta didn't do well. Not good! Especially with him! I did so bad that my new nickname was "sloppy joe" :( As much as I hate to admit it I think he's right - I need have more focus. If I really want to get to my size 0/2 then I'll really need to re-focus on focusing for the 60 minutes that I'm there. I need to be more Dara Torres focused and just really zoom into what the task is. Last week I did so much better. I don't know what happened today. I'm still thinking on what I can do to improve as I really can't go backward on the freeway. I've gone waaay to far in this to go backwards. I think I have to start at the bottom and build myself up. So with that said, I think these are some of the following things I can work on to get better..
a) Focus on focusing (Be in the moment)
b) Think of my form/function (do exercises correctly not all sloppy)
c)  Strengthen core

Things I would like to accomplish doing:
a) Sit -ups, squat thrusts,mt. climbers (all with correct form!)
b) Intensity wall and jumping over the hurdles
c)  Have a strong core
d) Stay focused with my plan
e) Be strong minded (strengthen mental power)

So I found this great little article about the number 1 thing one can do to achieve what ever your little heart desires- be it loose weight :) to become more whatever it is you would like to become. And Here's the #1 thing you can do about it....

COMMITMENT: It's truly the secret to success and without commitment you'll never get the long term results you're looking for in life. You're going to have to make a true commitment to bettering yourself weather it be nutrition,getting a smoking body, having a better relationship with your partner, or being a better parent.
It's al about committing to success and if you're willing to do the stuff that you don't want to do that you know will get you ahead then you're going to be better that 97% of the people on this planet! Start with one thing first, if you want to work out consistently then commit to a plan for a month of working out.
Write down all the workouts on the calendar and cross them off as you go. After the month is over keep doing the workouts but also move onto the next thing, maybe nutrition.. but whatever it is commit to it's success. And that's all there is to it!
 "You have to have the confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through"
-Rosalynn Carter

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