Thursday, September 1, 2011

The 11 Leadership Principles at Pure Power Bootcamp, Tour of Duty Journal - Week 2, Day 4

Tour of Duty Journal 
Week 2, Day 4:
I made it! I am somehow able to keep making it here and surviving all this bootcamp. I am still tired from it afterwards and honestly wish I could take a looong nap after the class is done but since my munchkin needs her doggie treats what can I do I just have to keep going and head to work. Today was pretty intense. I had to carry this BIG 'ol tire which I swear I at one point saw on some large trailer on the Los Angeles 405 highway. It was a bit of a struggle as the tire was quite large and I had to figure out how to run carrying it without falling forward. Besides that, we were doing a lot of these squat things which honestly I have no idea how to do them and really don't think I'm doing them right because every time I try I just don't feel like I'm up to par with how everyone else does them. Anyhow, we also did rock climbers and star jumps. The star jumps are really fun but afterwards my legs feel like spaghetti noodles. We did get a 5 second - yes you heard that right 5 seconds water break (just like we're in the marines!)  I've never gulped water so fast in my life. It's amazing how good water tastes in those 5 seconds. 
I also wore my new Nike sparkle shoes today and have to say they are really helping as every time I run they really do catch the light and sparkle a lot. Nicio and Russo noticed them and called them glitter shoes but I had to explain to them that it was lurex not glitter. I'm not sure they had any idea what I was talking about because afterwards they looked kinda confused and just smiled. Besides that, with my new shoes now my nickname is "Sparkles." Now if only I could find a really cool water bottle. The regular water bottle I have is kinda lame. Oh! yeah, they haven't asked me to recite the 11 principles yet, but I really want to be ready when they do so I figured I'd memorize them this weekend.

"You must begin to think of yourself as the person you would like to be."
-David Viscott
I wanted to tell you about the 11 Leadership Principles at PPBC. I highly recommend memorizing them as at the end of every class the drill instructors randomly ask someone what they are and if you get picked to say them and you don't  know them your whole platoon gets to do more push ups/more squat thrusts. So for  your platoon and yourself just be sure to know them! Since I'm a visual person, I grouped them in color to memorize them and it worked really well. Below is what I am referring to :) Good luck!

Honor. Trust. Respect. Integrity. Duty. Loyalty. Power. Courage. Diginity. Wisdom. Pride.

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