Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gaining some Dara Torres Olympic muscles at Pure Power Bootcamp, NYC - Week 6, Day 3

Tour of Duty 
Week 6, Day 3
Half way through the week, it's already Wednesday and I'm full of adrenaline. My Dara Torres speed is still with me and making some serious "bootycamp" accomplishments. Still keeping up with all the guys in the class and I'm now starting to jump in front and leading the way when we do all the runs. We did more planks today and I felt all the burn on my abs. When I felt like I could no longer hold my arms together all I could think about was how badly I want to fit into my favorite dress again and be back to my size 0/2. I think this is all going to work but the process is sure humbling. I'm defiantly more aware of everything as I look at food now more so as fuel then just "food." I have to get my energy source of somewhere to be able to do all these exercises. I'd like to really one day do the squat thrusts perfectly but after a certain number my legs are just so wobbly and I try hard not to stop otherwise we just end up having to do more. No one is singled out here so basically we're all in this together and if the person next to us doesn't finish the whole platoon is doomed and keeps going until we all do.
Besides that we did more bear crawls and thinking myself as a Grizzly Bear helps! As crazy as it sounds, it's actually starting to be fun instead of painful. We did a new exercise today similar to bear crawls but with the tires. At first I didn't think it would be too difficult as it really didn't look hard but soon after hitting the half way mark around the course I started to feel my legs burn. After that, we were holding the tires over our heads and I felt all my soon to be noticed Dara Torres muscles working as hard as they could to keep from dropping the tire. Never in my life did I ever think of a tire as a weight. As a matter of fact, I don't think I'll ever see a tire the same way again. Now that I see them on cars I can't help but think of bootcamp. Almost at the finish line for my Tour of Duty. Almost there....

"I feel like I have so many women who look up to me. I want them to feel proud, and feel like they can do what they set out to do. I would never do anything to disappoint these women." -Dara Torres

"Never put an age limit on your dreams."
-Dara Torres

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