Monday, March 28, 2011

Come light up the night to help pets in need at the Brooklyn Bridge Pup Crawl...

Hello Everyone,
Spring is finally here! How exciting! And how fun is it to take looong strolls with your four legged buddy???To answer that question, it's oodles of fun but it makes it's even better when you walking helps other four legged buddies get a home. Come out and join me, The United States Humane Society and many other doggies walk the Historic Brooklyn bridge to do just that. We'll light up this cause with bright lighted leashes and fundraise for shelters and rescue organizations that so desperately need the extra funds to take care of those that are still waiting for their forever home. There is still time to register so don't procrastinate! Below is the schedule for this exciting event. See you there!
5pm -Registration begins
5-6pm- Doggie mingling (you'll be able to meet my buddy, Little Miss. Sparkles :)
6:30pm- Special welcome and thank you to pup and pet guardians
6:45pm- Let the Pup Crawl walking begin to The Brooklyn Bridge!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's help end world poverty and hunger - come out and run in Central Park...

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share another great organization that needs our support at their Spring fundraising event. It is The Concern Spring Run which will be held in Central Park, April 9th at 9:30am. It's in the works that I will be giving out the awards/trophies for  the winners and I couldn't be more excited to help out such a great cause! Speaking of "causes" let's talk about what Concern Worldwide is all about and why it's so important that we all come out and join their vision in ending world hunger, poverty and working with the world poorest people to transform their lives. 
Imagine that a world where no one goes hungry and no one lives in poverty. A world where all children regardless of their financial background or what country they live in can have the opportunity to learn, go to school, and grow. Technically speaking, anything is possible. So here's hoping to one day instead of imagining, we can all live it. With that said, I hope that motivates you to come out and support this organization as they are the pillar of strength that will make it happen! There's still time to sign up and  be a part of this amazing event to fundraise for this organization. See you at Central Park!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Supporting our furry,four legged athletes at the Spot Winter 0lympics in NYC!

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Noon–2:00 p.m.

145 West 20th Street, New York, NY

Hello Everyone,
Wanted to share an exciting event that will be taking place this Saturday, the 2nd Annual Spot Winter 0lympic Games to be held in NYC! Excited to come out and help the Mayors Alliance for Animals and fundraise for the Picasso Veterinary Fund which helps homeless animals have the medical care that they need to have a happy life. The story of how this all began is quite endearing so just wanted to share the background..

It was winter of 2000, when a 8 month-old abandoned Pit Bull puppy, born with a twisted muzzle, was picked up by AC&C and brought to its Manhattan shelter. AC&C staff immediately knew they had to save this amazing animal, so they put the word out to the NYC rescue community. Bernadette Peters saw a photograph of the puppy with the cubist face, she named him Picasso. BARC shelter in Brooklyn agreed to take Picasso in and seek a loving home for him. As luck would have it, a Brooklyn couple who volunteered at BARC fell in love with Picasso, and welcomed him into their home. Now Picasso had a second chance for a happy life. 
In March 2003, a few months before his fourth birthday, Picasso was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. Despite his illness, his lively spirit and sense of humor endured. His guardians gave Picasso the best possible care throughout his remaining three months. This special dog, who brought so much joy to everyone who met him, had beaten the odds once, but not this time. Bernadette Peters and Mary Tyler Moore, founders of Broadway Barks, created the Picasso Veterinary Fund to keep Picasso's spirit alive. Today, the Picasso Veterinary Fund is giving hundreds of special little New Yorkers second chances for the good lives they deserve. So now that you know this real life story hopefully you can come out and support the doggie athletes and help fundraise for those that need veterinary care. See you there!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Inspiration from friends that are changing the world one step at a time...

Last week, I had blogged about the many ways that we could use our natural talents to support our troops. This week I'd like to blog about one of my friends who is doing just that but of course for her own charity. Her name is Parisa and we met in college while we were both involved in Student Government. I wanted to write about her because she is currently training for a marathon and thought I would spread the word to help her reach her fundraising goal as well as let you know about her inspiring human spirit that technically with a solid preparation, anything is possible. And in her own words, I quote,
"It's amazing how every week I am able to get one step closer to my end goal. With strong will, determination and a fighting spirit, you can accomplish anything. With that said, I just completed my 10 mile run. Oh and did I mention it was freezing cold and raining the entire time. I think we even felt some hale. It's been 2 hours now, and I finally got circulation back in my hands. Go Team!!!"

Go Parisa! Really proud of you! I totally heart you!! Just keep running!!! And for everyone else keep donating!! And keep believing!! Below is her link ...

Friday, March 11, 2011


Motivation and exercise. Those  two elements definatley go hand in hand and for those of you that are looking for a way to be motivated, this is your perfect opportunity to not only get yourself ready for the bikini season but also another wonderful way to support our Heroes.  From beginning to advanced athletes, there are plenty of opportunities to get out there and burn those calories and support all those furry heroes and the human ones as well. Which brings me to my inspiring story that I wanted to blog about... His name is Shawn Hatch and he is rollerblading across the US from New York to California to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project. Imagine that, all 3500ish, something miles and then some to raise funds. I loved the quote he ended his story with when he talks about what he is doing, "The Force of a wildfire begins with a single spark." 0ne person really can make a difference and as I mentioned before anything is possible! Below is his fundraising link and his inspiring story of how just one person can start that spark.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Families, Families, and more Families...

Since my theme in my previous blog was about keeping families together, I''d like to blog about some furry little ones that need a family and a forever home. Those of course being the homeless shelter animals that are desperately waiting to find their forever home. For some odd reason a majority of the population  seem to think that shelter animals may not be up to par, but that's anything but the truth as these animals are amazing little bundles of joys and all they are missing are their forever family - their love and happy spirits have no boundaries. I invite you if you are looking for a little furry pet companion to visit your local animal shelter as the animals that are there are pretty amazing. 
And speaking of amazing, I thought I would mention a new bill proposed By Congressman Micheal Grimm called the "Veterans Dog Training Act" that would help homeless animals and veterans by uniting them. Since animals have a natural way of not only calming humans but also helping in healing wounds (and yes this includes the wounds that are not always visible) this is a perfect match for both the soldier and the pet companion. Below I am including a link of what president of the United States Humane Society, Wayne Pacelle had to say; I thought it was interesting and wanted to share. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Teamwork, never underestimate it!

Teamwork...Well now that I have introduced you to our human and canine heroes that work so hard to give us a better quality of life. I'd like to talk a little more about teamwork and tying that to the human animal bond that is so clearly seen not only in the working K-9 units but also the "civilian units." Civilian units?? There is such thing you ask? Well, yes, and the unit that I am referring to is the one that is shared by many  through out the country - that being the human/animal bond of caring for a pet.
Hence, with this mentioned have you ever thought about what happens to the soldier that is called to duty that has a pet companion? Where and with whom is his/her pet left with? With friends? With family? Usually yes, but what if neither family or friends can care for that pet? Then what happens? Well, being that we don't want this pet to end up in the shelter or abandoned, this is another unique opportunity where we as civilians can support not only the soldier but also the pet by becoming a temporary foster pet parent. 
As a proclaimed single doggie mother, I can't even begin to think how one would handle having to leave their pet companion behind but even more so leaving them behind knowing they are not being cared for. 
Being that pets are an integral part of the family; in my opinion there really isn't a reason why we can't somehow help keep these families together. Like I mentioned before, technically anything is possible - sometimes we just need to strategize and develop a plan that will make thing happen. 

0ne organization that is doing just that, is Guardian Angels For Soldiers Pets. I invite you to visit their website as there you will find many opportunities that may suit your personal preference and talents. If being a foster parent may be a bit overwhelming, there are many other positions that are needed to be filled that will also help in keeping these particular families together. I close this blog by stating that, in life there are many wonderful experiences that one can see, yet perhaps the one that will have the most depth and value would be the one where you can see  the "happiness" of a family truly grateful for being able to have the opportunity to stay together. Below I am sharing a video link  so you can see for yourself....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let me introduce to you the "four legged heroes"

Welcome Back again!
There are four legged Heroes?? Yes! And from the picture above, I'm sure you can assume who I am going to blog about today. They are furry, four legged, loveable and from the beginning of time we have referred to them as "Man's Best Friend." They are of course dogs. Through out time canine companions have guided us, protected us, and have given us a glimpse of what true unconditional love and loyalty really is. For centuries canines have protected our homes,our families, warned us of danger, and helped man create and move forward into a progressive civilization. Canines have always been at our side. They are the only living species that will always love you more then they love themselves. To this day, when our attention lapses, when our own senses and perception fail, and when hope seems  lost, man's single greatest animal ally always steps forward... even in combat. 
This brings me to introduce you to the World War II's littlest soldier and hero, Smoky the 4 pound Yorkie. Heroes my friends come in all shapes and sizes and this is a perfect example! Let me tell you a bit about her and her amazing acts of bravery both on the battle field and in supporting our troops.
Smoky became a hero in her own right when she helped engineers build a crucial airfield for Allied war planes on January 1945 in the Luzon airbase. A telegraph wire needed to be run across a airplane strip through a 70-foot pipe that was only eight inches in diameter. Unfortunately, construction work would take the strip out of action and expose all American planes to Japanese bombs. So, instead Smoky came to the rescue and pulled the cable through the pipe over soil that had sifted inside. Giving her only a few inches of headroom, her work of pulling this cable through the pipe prevented the need of  having a three day digging task  by 250 crewmen and 40 reconnaissance planesWhat would have been a dangerous three-day digging task for the servicemen was instead completed by this little dog in only a few minutes.
Some of Smokys' other heroic acts include living through 150 air raids on New Guinea, being a crew member on 12 air-sea rescues warning them of incoming shellsspending hours dangling in a pack, and even jumping from a 30-foot tower in a specially made parachute just for her. She was awarded 8 battle stars and credited with being the first therapy dog by entertaining troops in camps and visiting the wounded in hospitals. Wow! All that bravery in a 4" pound frame! Now imagine just what a regular 35 pound dog can do!
With all this mentioned, I hope this story inspires you to know that technically, anything is possible and where there is a will, there is always a way regardless of your size! Anything is possible to achieve! In closing, if you would like to know how to help these furry heroes below I am including a link to supporting them. They have always been there for us, now more then ever they need us to be there for them...

Friday, March 4, 2011

0ne simple, budget friendly way to uplift Heroes...

Hello Everyone! You've got mail!
In this blog I'm going to write about how we can as a community can uplift the Heroes that I mentioned in my previous blog. So first let me get started by asking how you feel when you receive a card in the mail or better yet a package of goodies with your favorite candy or favorite nick knacks? It's exciting right?? Did you know that this is just one of the many ways that you can support our troops? By sending a card - and it only costs .44 cents! Perfect for all those on a budget! How about when it's your birthday - who wouldn't get excited to receive a Birthday card along with a Birthday cake?? How exciting!! Did you know you could this for a soldier or even a K-9 soldier team? Well it's possible and there are so many organizations that you can team up with to do this. 0ne in particular that I have been working with is called Soldiers Angels. Here you will find plenty or resources of how you can send letters, care packages, Birthday cards/cakes, and many other things that would definitely boost the morale of all those that are serving their missions. And yes, even the K-9 teams need those extra treats to keep them positive too! :) Just read below the article I found recently in the NY Times talking about how significant receiving "snail mail" can be...

After reading this interesting article I invite you to visit where you can find plenty of different teams that you can become involved with whatever your interest may be. There is something for everyone, just take a visit to the website! Also below I linked a community video of the Soldiers Angels New York Chapter - great job Ms. Marie Wheeler!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

And the Heroes are.....

Hello Everyone,Welcome back! 
In my last blog I introduced my national platform called "Uplifting Heroes." I left you with the mystery of trying to think of who these people may be and I am excited to tell you all about them but before doing so I would like to first mention what they do because this affects you on a daily basis... probably more then you realize and especially if you reside in the US where "freedom" is something that is held with such a high regard.
This brings me to talk about the quality of life, the opportunities, the peace of mind, and the freedom that we are able to experience and live residing in the US. Everyday when you and I wake up and go about our daily activities - going to school, going to work, or even rising bright eyed and bushy tailed to get a good work out at the gym, all those things that we choose to do or not do without much thought or effort are because these "heros" are protecting you and I to be able to have this freedom. In other words, we are able to have "the option" to do what we choose to do not because we are entitled to do so but simply because there are many men, women, and K-9 teams protecting the freedom that we are so lucky experience on a daily basis.
How do they do this you ask? Well, basically they put their own life at risk; knowing that at any time they could loose it. In my opinion that takes a lot of courage and not anyone can do that, nor are there many that do. So with that mentioned, the "Heros" that I wanted to tell you about are the many men, women, and I know this may come as a surprise for many but lets not forget the K-9 teams that are out there too! Life is life regardless if it's a animal or a human - both are important and when they are willing to risk loosing their own life in order to make others' life better I think it's quite appropriate to call them "Heros." So there you have it, now you know who these heros are.
But...wait, then your asking, so what can we do to uplift them and make them feel appreciated?? That, my friends I'll need to tell you in my next posting where not only will I mention the how we can do this but also introduce you to an amazing organization that I have been working with that does exactly what I'd like to tell you more about, that being "Uplifting Heros."

                                              Uplifting Heros

"A Community outreach program whose mission is to support, show our love, appreciation to the often forgotten heros of our country"

The two main components of Nency's outreach program:
Bringing "Home" To Heros:
"Focuses on bringing awareness to the many ways the community can support our troops."
  • Educate community through presentations/handouts of why it is important to support our troops
  • Inform community on the various organizations that they can join/team up with to support
  • Inspire and encourage community on supporting our troops/K-9 soldier teams through letter writing, sending care packages, visiting Veteran hospitals, sending a birthday cake to a soldier,and many other ways...
Uniting Heros:
"Focuses on bringing awareness to the human/animal bond of pet companionship for soldiers as well as people"
  • Educate community through presentations/handouts of why the human animal bond of
    pet companionship is important for a soldier as well as people.
  • Bring awareness of compassion for shelter/homeless animals and help them find their
    veteran pet guardian/ their forever home
  • Bring awareness to community of supporting troops by becoming a foster pet guardian
    for a deployed soldier /or one going through hardship so pets do not end up abandoned