Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mind Over Matter at Pure Power Bootcamp,NYC-Maintenance Journal 6 Months, Day 12

Maintenance Journal
6 Months, Day 12:
Finished the weeeeek! After having to build that house this week, I really hope we don't have to do that in the near future as that was really hard. I know I'm starting to be whiny but it really was...So after that experience, I was thinking a lot of how not to have to do things the second time if it can be prevented in the first place. Especially all those exercises that are the difficult ones. Yup, those are the nitty gritty ones that actually technically speaking, are probably the ones I should really do with all gusto the first time and get them over with as they are most likely the ones that will bring me better results. Perhaps I should just start telling myself they are my favorite and I'll start believing it. Mind over matter as they say, "discipline is remembering what it is you want." Oooh that's a good one huh? Yups, next week I'm gonna be better and keep remembering my goal. Oh and speaking of goals, found another tid bit info that was inspiring. It is about "willpower and self-discipline." It's a good read from Oxygen Magazine. I was also thinking I need to add to my bootcamp vision board as that will help keep the coal burning so to speak...hmmm, gotta get to the .99 cent store for more fun stickers :)

Oxygen Magazine Article:
Willpower and self-discipline are the ultimate keys to achieving any goal and realizing any dream. They are of great importance for losing weight, bodybuilding, sports, improving relationships, overcoming addictions, building positive habits and for building wealth. You also need them for making progress in  self-improvement, spiritual growth, for developing inner strength and concentration. These skills make it easier to handle the daily affairs of life, become more efficient, and to follow through with your decisions and resolutions.

Willpower is the inner strength that enables you to make decisions and carry them out. It gives you the strength to take action and perform tasks and plans, despite inner resistance, discomfort, laziness or difficulties.

When there is willpower, there is firmness, decisiveness, determination, assertiveness, resolution, persistence, and the power of pushing yourself towards goals and achievements.

With this skill developed, you are in a better position to overcome procrastination and laziness, focus on what you are doing, and avoid unhealthy or unreasonable temptations.

Self-discipline is the companion of willpower. It is synonymous with self-control, which is the ability to avoid unreasonable excess of anything that could lead to negative consequences.

Self-discipline appears in various forms, such as endurance, perseverance and restraint, and as the ability to carry out one's decisions and plans, in spite of inconvenience, hardships or obstacles.

One of the main characteristics of self-discipline is the ability to forgo instinctive and immediate gratification or pleasure, in favor of some greater gain or more satisfying results, even if this requires effort and time.

"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds." 
-Gordon B. Hinkley

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