Thursday, November 10, 2011

Finishing up the week at Pure Power Bootcamp, NYC - 6 Month MaintenanceJournal,Day 8

6 Month Maintenance Journal
Day 8
Whooo-Hoooo finished off the week with lots of tire exercises and never ending push-ups! We're still a small bunch but non the less still going Dara Torres strong. I really think it's the weather that has many not coming to the 5:30 class. I have to admit if I wasn't a morning person, I probably would be all cozy and sleepy like my dog is at 5:30 but what can you do, when you're awake your awake. Anyhoo, today it seems it was tire day as we used them a lot not only for running but we did the squats with them, squat thrusts (which are so much easier when you get the height of the tire to help), and also we were holding them up for supposedly  60 seconds but, it sure felt longer. When we started running with them I didn't feel like I was going to fall over anymore so I think that means I'm finally getting enough strength to be able to keep my balance. 
We did the course today as well and I got to do my favorite, which is the rope climbing - I felt like Spider woman! The only thing is you have to be careful when your climbing it otherwise if your foot or arm go through your going to loose balance and be extremely humiliated. Once you get to the top of the rope, you hold yourself like a Olympic gymnast and twirl around and onto the ground. I know it sounds weird but it's pretty fun. Still not that great at those darn hurdles - if only I was 4 inches taller that would at least give me some height to work with. So in the meantime, the bootcamp challenge continues...
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr.

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