Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finishing up the Tour of Duty at Pure Power Bootcamp, NYC - Week 8, Day 3

Tour of Duty Journal
Week 8, Day 3
Almost done!!! One more day and I can actually say that I finished the bootcamp Tour of Duty! So excited! One more day! One more day! I know I've kept talking about that wall I want to be able to climb over. I was sooo close today, I almost made it over that wall. Almost. I'm really going to try for it tomorrow because that would be a really great way to finish. I still can't believe I got this far. Today we had lots of exercises we were supposed to do with our paired partner and it was a lot of running and sprinting in between. We even had to carry not one but two sandbags - that was rough as they were quite heavy. Then we did a new exercise which was pushing this gigantic bag all around the course and then we had to pass it to our partner. It didn't seem difficult but once you started to push the bag I felt all my back muscles trying desperately to not give out on me. It was rough but I  have so much adrenaline to finish that I can't help but have momentum to keep going.
Anyhow, well besides today's intense class, I'm really excited to continue the 6 month maintenance. I already have a clear set idea of what I want to accomplish by doing all this. My mind is definitely "there" and I'm ready to focus on working to get to my goal. There is so much to look forward to and I'm excited to start the journey and see the change. One more day!
“Goals that are not written down are just wishes.”
-Jane Goodall 
"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which,more than anything else, will affect It's successful outcome."            -William James

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