Pure Power Bootcamp
We are a no-nonsense, no frills, hard-core,
real deal fitness facility.
Our mission is to get you to step outside your comfort zone
and break any and all boundaries that keep you prisoner.
We strive to drive you to overcome obstacles that you never thought possible.
We encourage you to hone skills of team work and accountability while embracing
and celebrating your individuality.
We are one powerful community.
We do not judge ourselves...We do not judge others.
There are no boundaries.
Saturated in sweat and addicted to the adrenaline we as a platoon embody
dedication,commitment, and yearning desire to find our Pure Power.
The journey begins now...
With that said, this is my typical morning journey going to may favorite place in all NYC! Going to Pure Power bootcamp to stay in shape just like those mean, lean Marines! Being I'm naturally a morning person, I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed before sunrise so we're up and ready to go to bootcamp to make our 5:30am class. Here's a little bit of my journey.. hope it motivates to get up and start going to bootcamp! You can do it!
In the subway in the weeeee hours of the morning...about 4am
(sorry about the blur-the train was moving so fast!)
(sorry about the blur-the train was moving so fast!)
Walking in NYC to bootcamp in the weee hours of the morning....say about 5am

Feelin' good like a woman should with my sparkly shoes and my fashion forward bootcamp fatigues
(technically the camera didn't flash when the pic was taken but non the less I got a mirror reflection!)
Bootcamp platoon members getting ready for our workout at 5:30am
We are the "OMBG" short for Original Morning Bootcamp Gangstas! Straight from New York City! Yeah, don't mess with us!
The after... Smiley and glowing from my Pure Power Bootcamp workout :)
Here is a superb beginner abdominal exercise to assist get you started on the path the having the amazing abs you would like. This can be a beneficial abdominal workout for anyone who is just starting out.