Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Place that changed my life and lifted me up - Pure Power Bootcamp NYC

Hello Everyone!
Today I wanted to blog about a place that I would like everyone to know about for many reasons but perhaps the most profound and meaningful reason is simply on how this place was positively life altering. It is called Pure Power Boot Camp and it is located in NYC (and soon in California too!) I wanted to write about PPBC because it is a place that has not only changed  my life for the better but can honestly say it has "lifted me up." I came to PPBC last year when I was at my largest I had ever been - that being a size 10 in the brink of pushing a size 12. For someone of my height, that's really,really not good as you see I'm only 5'0" and the normal max size I  should ever be is no bigger then a size 4; which is average - not really at my best but not completely overweight, just ok.
Anyhow, I remember when I first started to look at gyms, I was looking for a place where I would get results as I knew loosing the weight was not only going to take time but also a lot of work. Besides work, at that point of my life I kinda, sorta had fallen off the horse so to speak (I don't want to bore you with the details but lets just say that back then, I was at the lowest point I had ever been in my life - essentially I was at the bottom of rock bottom) and because of my weight gain I had not only become painfully shy but also incredibly insecure as I had never really been at such a big size before. I didn't feel good about myself and it literally hurt to see myself in the mirror and it had began to affect every part of my life - emotionally, mentally, psychologically and the hardest was definitely socially. I was in an extremely fragile state and knew the one thing I had to do that would help me was to get back to the size I had always been and that was 0/2 or at least a size where I would be somewhat comfortable with myself. With this mentioned, this place also had to be encouraging and "safe" to be at.
The first day I came to visit PPBC and took my "mini" tour from the receptionist, the moment I walked in, I knew the only way I would fail is if I didn't show up. With that seen, I signed up for my first Tour of Duty which began March 14th 2010 at 5:30 am. That day, my first day was definitely extremely humbling as it was then that I realized how bad it was. I was the girl that literally could not do 1 single sit up; I could not run, I could not do 1 single push up. I was so embarrassed of the little strength I had, I really didn't want to come back but knew I had to just at least try and finish. I somehow was able to do so and slowly noticed that not only was I starting to loose inches, I was also gaining strength and little by little things were getting better. I was starting to feel good about myself and my clothes started  to feel loose. After the Tour of Duty I signed up for 6 months and knew if I just kept coming, maybe in those 6 months things would even get better and I would improve even more. Within those 6 months not only did all of that occur but something else occurred that I really hadn't even thought of. That being, I started to dream again; and in doing so started to think about all my goals and the things that I thought would be quite exciting to go after and accomplish. Because technically speaking, if I could go over that "INTENSITY" wall and all the other 3 walls, and carry a tire while I run, and do all those endless squat thrusts, then there really wasn't anything that I couldn't do. I just had to keep trying and keep coming. And so that's what I did, I kept coming and kept trying...and before I knew it 6 months turned to 1 year.
I'm excited and happy to say that marking that 1 year, I have reached my goal of being my normal size of 0/2. I can honestly say I would not be where I am today if it weren't for PPBC and the trainers. It is a place that not only changed me for the better but "lifted me up" and in doing so showed me that anything is possible; any goal and dream you have is possible...even if your goal and dream is to one day be Ms. United States :) And that's just the mental part, now imagine what it'll do for your abs! 

Pure Power Bootcamp NYC , 38 East 32nd Street 3rd Floor NYC, NY 10016 
Tel: 212-414-1886

Pure Power Bootcamp Jericho, 50 South Service Road  Jericho, NY 11753
Tel: 516-338-1112
Spending time and talking to the troops about PPBC at Brooklyn's 144th Memorial Day Parade 2011

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