Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's help end world poverty and hunger - come out and run in Central Park...

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share another great organization that needs our support at their Spring fundraising event. It is The Concern Spring Run which will be held in Central Park, April 9th at 9:30am. It's in the works that I will be giving out the awards/trophies for  the winners and I couldn't be more excited to help out such a great cause! Speaking of "causes" let's talk about what Concern Worldwide is all about and why it's so important that we all come out and join their vision in ending world hunger, poverty and working with the world poorest people to transform their lives. 
Imagine that a world where no one goes hungry and no one lives in poverty. A world where all children regardless of their financial background or what country they live in can have the opportunity to learn, go to school, and grow. Technically speaking, anything is possible. So here's hoping to one day instead of imagining, we can all live it. With that said, I hope that motivates you to come out and support this organization as they are the pillar of strength that will make it happen! There's still time to sign up and  be a part of this amazing event to fundraise for this organization. See you at Central Park!

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