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There are four legged Heroes?? Yes! And from the picture above, I'm sure you can assume who I am going to blog about today. They are furry, four legged, loveable and from the beginning of time we have referred to them as "Man's Best Friend." They are of course dogs. Through out time canine companions have guided us, protected us, and have given us a glimpse of what true unconditional love and loyalty really is. For centuries canines have protected our homes,our families, warned us of danger, and helped man create and move forward into a progressive civilization. Canines have always been at our side. They are the only living species that will always love you more then they love themselves. To this day, when our attention lapses, when our own senses and perception fail, and when hope seems lost, man's single greatest animal ally always steps forward... even in combat.
This brings me to introduce you to the World War II's littlest soldier and hero, Smoky the 4 pound Yorkie. Heroes my friends come in all shapes and sizes and this is a perfect example! Let me tell you a bit about her and her amazing acts of bravery both on the battle field and in supporting our troops.

Smoky became a hero in her own right when she helped engineers build a crucial airfield for Allied war planes on January 1945 in the Luzon airbase. A telegraph wire needed to be run across a airplane strip through a 70-foot pipe that was only eight inches in diameter. Unfortunately, construction work would take the strip out of action and expose all American planes to Japanese bombs. So, instead Smoky came to the rescue and pulled the cable through the pipe over soil that had sifted inside. Giving her only a few inches of headroom, her work of pulling this cable through the pipe prevented the need of having a three day digging task by 250 crewmen and 40 reconnaissance planes. What would have been a dangerous three-day digging task for the servicemen was instead completed by this little dog in only a few minutes.
Some of Smokys' other heroic acts include living through 150 air raids on New Guinea, being a crew member on 12 air-sea rescues warning them of incoming shells, spending hours dangling in a pack, and even jumping from a 30-foot tower in a specially made parachute just for her. She was awarded 8 battle stars and credited with being the first therapy dog by entertaining troops in camps and visiting the wounded in hospitals. Wow! All that bravery in a 4" pound frame! Now imagine just what a regular 35 pound dog can do!
With all this mentioned, I hope this story inspires you to know that technically, anything is possible and where there is a will, there is always a way regardless of your size! Anything is possible to achieve! In closing, if you would like to know how to help these furry heroes below I am including a link to supporting them. They have always been there for us, now more then ever they need us to be there for them...